When it comes to healthcare, it’s best to be as proactive as possible. Issues are almost always easier to treat when addressed as soon as they arise — and the same goes for orthodontics.

What is interceptive orthodontics?

Interceptive orthodontics simply means addressing issues as soon as they are identified.  Misaligned teeth and jaw issues are treated as soon as they are detected, typically before the adult teeth have grown in fully. Since all children grow at different rates, there is no fixed age for interceptive orthodontics or braces; however, having your child assessed prior to the age of seven is recommended as a general rule of thumb.

Because interceptive orthodontics are applied as the child’s teeth and jaw are still growing, it’s possible to make corrections that would be difficult or even impossible to achieve later in life. Interceptive orthodontics may involve the use of braces, oral devices or behaviour modification.

How can I tell if my child needs interceptive orthodontics?

Ideally, you should bring your child to a dentist to be properly assessed. However, here are a few noticeable signs that your child may benefit from interceptive orthodontics:


Some spacing between the teeth is normal and desired in children — crowding of the teeth, on the other hand, can lead to misalignment.

Deep bite

Do the upper teeth cover most of the lower when your child bites together? This is a deep bite, which should be addressed as soon as possible as it can not only affect the appearance of the face, but the functionality of the teeth and ability to keep them clean and healthy.

Mouth breathing

Children (and all people, really) should breathe through their noses at all times, with a complete lip seal. Observe them while they are watching TV, doing homework, or sleeping to see if they are breathing through their mouth. This could be a sign of future misalignment due to improper tongue posture, which may possibly be linked to airway obstruction.  

Speech challenges

If your child is experience speech challenges, this could be related to tongue posture problems or tongue ties, which can result in uneven mouth pressures and crowding.


Do all of your child’s lower teeth fit inside the upper teeth, or are some criss-crossed? If there are signs of a crossbite, your child should be assessed for interceptive orthodontics before it results in uneven jaw growth.


If a child is experiencing regular headaches, it could be a sign that their bite is misaligned and causing pressure and pain.

Joint noises

Does your child’s jaw make clicking sounds as they chew or talk? This is not a normal occurrence and should not be ignored as it could be a sign of misalignment.

Head posture

Does your child have a forward, tilted or rotated head posture? This could be related to the fit of the teeth.

If you would like to have your child assessed for interceptive orthodontics, book an appointment at Kelowna Dental Solutions. We are happy to work with parents to help them make the best decisions for their child’s oral health.

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